Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Well I was a little bummed that Channel 2 cancelled the interview today which left me scrambling to let everyone know but no biggie! I know God has better timing so I can wait!

Went to Springboro anyway so Olivia could play with her cousin. Had a wonderful time! Came back to town to play @ McDonalds. Purpose was to let her play so I could clip coupons but I ran in to someone I hadn't seen in a long time & talked to her most of the time & then struck up a conversation with the lady on the other side of me. Gave both of them my business card. I was SOO disappointed that McDonalds has SUPER raised their prices!! I am almost certain they raised the meal I usally get at least $.50 or MORE!! I ended up just getting a sandwich! Can't believe it! With so many people out of work in this town, of all places to raise prices. Shame on them! I understand everyone has a profit to make and if their only choice was to lay off someone or raise the price, can't there be an alternative? Like don't give out 15 napkins for 1 small hamburger in the drive thru. Errgg!

Great deals @ Wal-Mart though!! LOTS AND LOTS of rollbacks!!! Got my fav cereal Special K for $1.50 a box!! YUM!! Got a lot of great stuff for my family project (going to supply a family in need with everything they need for a whole week from sun up to sun down for $100!!). Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about Channel 2.
    I'm anxious to hear about your $100 project.
