My excitement over the movie Julie & Julia was not disappointed! Myself and two of my very best friends went to see it last night. The theatre was filled with laughter and oohs and aahs over the food prepared throughout the entire movie . I won't spoil it for you by giving quips of the movie (or very many) but will just say, this is a must see for anyone interested in entrepreneurship and/or blogging and need inspiration along with a dose of reality! This is not just a chic flick. I think it would make a perfect date movie as well.
The amazing comparisons to each of our lives (mine far right in picture, Brenda on the left and Niki in the middle) was remarkable! Histarically, in the very beginning of the movie Julie announces she believes she has ADD because she can't seem to complete anything. My friend Niki & I rolled as I recalled the Adult ADD email she had recently sent me! If you have not read this yet, comment and I will post it or email it to you.
If you haven't seen the trailer or read the review here it is...

When I first discovered this movie was coming to the big screen, I was intensely drawn to it. I am starting a business myself ( and looking for my destiny. So to see the 8 year toil of Julia, knowing she was 50 when her cookbook got published and how Julie remarkably started something she had passion for on her own and how it grew to a movie was just the shot of hope I needed.
Amazingly similar to the movie is the fact that my friend Brenda who joined me has begun her first book. I was so excited with and for her, knowing she too will experience the same success as Julie & Julia!Even my girlfriend Niki had once shared with me that she has a large collection of her grandmother's recipes that she would love to publish! I hope she dares to do so!! Niki's thoughts on the movie, "As a busy mother of 6, if I give up $10 hard earned dollars and 2 full hours of my time for a movie, it had better be worth it!! This movie definitely was!! Funny, warm and inspiring all in one!"
Brenda had this to say about the film, " Julie & Julia was a deliciously delightful combination of inspiration, romance, and comedy. At times I wanted to stand up and cheer, while at other times I wanted to go home and plant a big kiss on my husband because I connected with the married love affair of Julia and Paul! The movie was totally adorable and well done. The characters were loveable, yet real, and the sets were beautiful and drew you right into the room. Each scene gently transitioned you from the life of one character to the other without skipping a beat or leaving you confused. I could completely relate with both characters in what they were going through and I believe that most women will. I was totally inspired and I have already put the word out to friends that it's a "must see" movie! Now I know I better get in gear and get my copy of Julia's cookbook because I know they will be flying off the shelf! "
We each agreed it was a splendidly delicious movie! We each also concur that we have got to get Mastering the Art of French Cooking cookbook, not just for the recipes!! Watch the movie & you'll see why! LOL
A bit about the actors. Meryl Streep has yet to disappoint me. Her phenomenal portrayal of Julia Child's was heartwarming. I love how the author captured the whimsical side of Julia and chose to emphasize that through this film. Amy Adams was real, believable and fantastic! But my favorite character, Paul Child was played by Stanley Tucci. Stanley seemed to have a permanent smile on his face that added an irresistible charm and insight to who the man behind the legend truly was. Incredibly he brings to light a beautifully romantic view of their marriage.
This is a new favorite movie of mine and will be joining my collection as soon as it hits the shelves. I may even see it in the theatre again, this time with my hubby!!
Bon Appetit!
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