In an attempt to get myself organized and manage my time wisely - an major area I fall short in - I have created a weekly calendar to follow. I have designated and titled them as follows:
Marketing Mondays - work on press releases, column writing, emails;
Routine Tuesdays - pick ups/deliveries, errands;
Weekend Wednesdays - Prep for upcoming weekend training classes/pack/print;
To Do Thursdays - whatever needs done - Do it!!;
Fabulous Friday - find and post deals for Fabulous Finds Friday/FollowFriday Twitter
Training Day Saturdays - Train
So today is Marketing Day. I am working on two press releases for business associates. Then I have to run in to Waring Office Supplies to pick up my printed manuals I forgot to pick up on Friday, which caused me to have to email them in on Saturday morning before my training class to another (more expensive) store. Once I got in to town I called the store to change the quantity only to be informed that the email did not come through. So, with my printer out of ink, I just purchased another cartridge. Once I got home, I realized I had the WRONG cartridge! But Praise God I was able to shake the old cartridge, scrounge up a few older versions of my manual and print up a few more to cover EXACTLY the number of Boot Camp attendees. See why I need to do this stuff on Wednesday? Instead of the day/hours before my trainings?
Well I need to get busy but before I are a few deals for you!
BTW (By the way) the White Castle coupon I posted last week was not valid. I have removed it from my post.
FREE Veggie Tales DVD - just pay $2.99 s/h Thanks Denise!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Cost of Identity Theft

Cutting Corners
The Cost of Identity Theft
Being Safe – Saves!! With reports of burglaries on the rise, it is imperative that as consumers we understand and take measures to protect ourselves from identity theft. Nearly 10 million Americans were identity theft victims last year, costing them a total of approximately $5 billion. The average out-of-pocket cost for identity fraud victims is $422. Holly Cherico of Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. reports that almost half (47 percent) of all identity theft is perpetrated by friends, neighbors, in-home employees, family members or relatives.
How to Protect Yourself
Retrieve paper mail promptly and place outgoing checks or other sensitive documents in a U.S. Postal Service mailbox. The Federal Trade Commission reports almost 400,000 Americans suffered identity theft due to stolen mail.
A key way to detect fraudulent accounts is through credit monitoring/reports. Eleven percent of fraud cases were caught via this means.
Do not release Social Security or account numbers in response to e-mail, phone or in-person requests. When responding to e-mail, do not click on any Internet links provided. Instead type the full address into your internet browser to access the site.
Keep all sensitive documents, checkbooks and credit cards securely locked away at home and at work.
Before discarding, shred all private documents.
Replace paper bills, statements and checks with online (paperless) versions.
Keep passwords hidden (even in your own home) and change them frequently. Create strong passwords. A strong password includes one of each of the following: number, capital letter and special character. For example, P@$sw0rd.
Use and regularly update firewall and anti-virus software on your computer.
Do not respond to suspicious e-mails. Delete them, and if there is any doubt contact the company to determine if the e-mail is real.
Don't discard a computer without completely destroying the data on the hard drive.
Review bank, credit card and biller statements weekly - available through online account access.
Contact your financial provider if you fail to receive statements in a timely manner.
Review your credit information regularly (free annual reports are available at or call 1-877-322-8228).
Victims of theft: notify your financial providers, begin monitoring your accounts more frequently, and place an "alert" at all three credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian or TransUnion). My husband has to update his information every 3 months since his company credit card information was stolen almost 2 years ago. Identity thieves will hold on to your information for years and try again, assuming you have become comfortable.
Alert federal and local law enforcement if you suspect or detect identity fraud.
How Safe Are You? Take an Identity Safety Quiz. The Better Business Bureau has co-released, with Javelin Strategy & Research, an Identity Safety Quiz so consumers can determine, not only, if their typical behavior places them at greater risk of becoming an identity fraud victim, but also, what specific steps they can take to reduce that risk and increase their safety. The quiz can be accessed at
This column is provided by Tara Roark. Tara conducts Coupon Boot Camps training consumers how to save hundreds on their groceries, shopping, dining and entertainment through couponing. To contact, please visit her on the web at and follow her blog,, or on Twitter, couponbootcamp, for exclusive HOT deals and tips.
Being Safe – Saves!! With reports of burglaries on the rise, it is imperative that as consumers we understand and take measures to protect ourselves from identity theft. Nearly 10 million Americans were identity theft victims last year, costing them a total of approximately $5 billion. The average out-of-pocket cost for identity fraud victims is $422. Holly Cherico of Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. reports that almost half (47 percent) of all identity theft is perpetrated by friends, neighbors, in-home employees, family members or relatives.
How to Protect Yourself
Retrieve paper mail promptly and place outgoing checks or other sensitive documents in a U.S. Postal Service mailbox. The Federal Trade Commission reports almost 400,000 Americans suffered identity theft due to stolen mail.
A key way to detect fraudulent accounts is through credit monitoring/reports. Eleven percent of fraud cases were caught via this means.
Do not release Social Security or account numbers in response to e-mail, phone or in-person requests. When responding to e-mail, do not click on any Internet links provided. Instead type the full address into your internet browser to access the site.
Keep all sensitive documents, checkbooks and credit cards securely locked away at home and at work.
Before discarding, shred all private documents.
Replace paper bills, statements and checks with online (paperless) versions.
Keep passwords hidden (even in your own home) and change them frequently. Create strong passwords. A strong password includes one of each of the following: number, capital letter and special character. For example, P@$sw0rd.
Use and regularly update firewall and anti-virus software on your computer.
Do not respond to suspicious e-mails. Delete them, and if there is any doubt contact the company to determine if the e-mail is real.
Don't discard a computer without completely destroying the data on the hard drive.
Review bank, credit card and biller statements weekly - available through online account access.
Contact your financial provider if you fail to receive statements in a timely manner.
Review your credit information regularly (free annual reports are available at or call 1-877-322-8228).
Victims of theft: notify your financial providers, begin monitoring your accounts more frequently, and place an "alert" at all three credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian or TransUnion). My husband has to update his information every 3 months since his company credit card information was stolen almost 2 years ago. Identity thieves will hold on to your information for years and try again, assuming you have become comfortable.
Alert federal and local law enforcement if you suspect or detect identity fraud.
How Safe Are You? Take an Identity Safety Quiz. The Better Business Bureau has co-released, with Javelin Strategy & Research, an Identity Safety Quiz so consumers can determine, not only, if their typical behavior places them at greater risk of becoming an identity fraud victim, but also, what specific steps they can take to reduce that risk and increase their safety. The quiz can be accessed at
This column is provided by Tara Roark. Tara conducts Coupon Boot Camps training consumers how to save hundreds on their groceries, shopping, dining and entertainment through couponing. To contact, please visit her on the web at and follow her blog,, or on Twitter, couponbootcamp, for exclusive HOT deals and tips.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday, (All Ready?) June 25, 2009
Well the purpose of this blog was to journal my trek through this business start up and I have laxed on doing so. But starting today I am going to get back to it But don't worry, I will still post my FABULOUS FRIDAY FINDS and other HOT deals as I come aware of them!!
Today was a BUSY day, as they all are. Dropped my daughter off at daycare at 9 am. Stopped off at screen shop to get a price quote on their pet resistant screen to deter our 2 cats from tearing it up. Can't wait! My hubby is FINALLY getting us a sliding glass door to replace our old double door!!!
Ran to CVS to cash in a raincheck & get my $5 Extra Care Bucks. Returned Peter Pan to the video store. Ran to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things (FREE Carefree panty liners & FREE Reach Floss!!). Through the ATM for cash. Back to CVS to use my recently acquired Extra Care Buck plus a $3 off coupon towards $8.99 Huggies. Total $1.27!! LOVE CVS!!
Next off to pick up 2 donations for a business associate's fundraiser I helped her with. Great success!! Looks like they were able to raise close to $400 or more (final count this evening) for a handicapped childrens playground!
Forgot to drop off the Spiritual Gift test to a friend. Will do tomorrow! Thru Wendy's for fries for the baby & an Unsweet Iced Tea for me! Refreshed and off to the YMCA to pick up some material & make an appt to press release coverage. Popped in to say HI to the Director, Greg Law. If you have never met him, he is WONDERFUL!! And TRULY has a heart for the YMCA!!
Picked up the girl from her daycare class. Home for some lunch for myself. Tuna salad sandwich. Down to basement, where its cool! Worked on emails, twitters, etc.. Naptime.
Kids slept for about an hour and a half. A few more online posts. Called hubby for dinner thoughts. Looks like we are going out!! HOORAY!!
Talked to my GREAT FRIEND and proofreader. She is VERY ill. She wanted to know the grocery deals this week. Looked em up for her and emailed. Told her to let me know if she needs me to shop for her tomorrow. (This is how I pay her for her hard work!!)
We have never had Reddi-Wip before Bigg's Super Sale. Now thats all my daughter wants to eat! LOL!!
My 10 month old is in my purse. All my makeup is scattered on the kitchen floor.
Its about 5:25 pm and I will be getting ready to mow a bit before heading to dinners (as soon as hubby gets home).
The rest of the evening will involve finishing up my Coupon Combat Special Forces training manual and emailing my Basic Training Manual to Waring Office Supplies for printing tomorrow. Will be up late tonight.
Lubix Stereo Bluetooth Headset $19.99 + $5 shipping
Make your own Wendy's Frosty!! Must use oils!
As always! Happy Clipping!!
Free free 12-oz. beveragefrom Seattle’s Best Coffee @ Border's valid thru 7/2
Thanks CommonSense!
FREE 2 year subscription to Parent magazine (no strings attached)
Thanks CommonSense!
FREE quart of Glidden Paint! I ordered mine!!
Thanks Freebies4Mom!
Snap (5) $10 Gift Certificates to Funny Bone Comedy Club for only $25!!
Hurry sale starts @ 8 am and ends when supplies run out!
Cincinnati Museum Center (4) $12 Gift Certificates for only $24!!
HURRY only 35 left!! You can purchase 2 of these deals!!
Old Navy $5-$10 Shorts and Swim Suits!! I love it! They have denim bermuda shorts for $5!!
Happy Clipping!!
Thanks CommonSense!
FREE 2 year subscription to Parent magazine (no strings attached)
Thanks CommonSense!
FREE quart of Glidden Paint! I ordered mine!!
Thanks Freebies4Mom!
Snap (5) $10 Gift Certificates to Funny Bone Comedy Club for only $25!!
Hurry sale starts @ 8 am and ends when supplies run out!
Cincinnati Museum Center (4) $12 Gift Certificates for only $24!!
HURRY only 35 left!! You can purchase 2 of these deals!!
Old Navy $5-$10 Shorts and Swim Suits!! I love it! They have denim bermuda shorts for $5!!
Happy Clipping!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Purina Pro Plan Coupon & Contest for Years Supply of Dog Food!
Get a coupon for $3 off Purina Pro Plan Dog Food
Register to win a year's supply of Purina Pro Plan Dog Food by telling Purina How You Do More & uploading a photo of your pet (optional)! Your story must be 250 words or fewer and accompanied by a photo of your pet (optional.) Your personal information will not be displayed publically.Your first name and last initial may be displayed publicly if your 'do more' story is featured.
Go to and click on the link "Share your story fora chance to WIN a year's supply of Pro Plan! to the middle left of the page.
Good Luck!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Just received the following email from the director of the Wilmington Public Library. Please read & respond!!!Dear Friends,Last Friday afternoon, Governor Strickland held a press conference during which he presented a plan to balance Ohio's budget. One part of the plan is to use 50% of the Public Library Fund. If that were to happen, it would devastate all 251 of Ohio's public libraries. Many library buildings would have to close, staff layoffs would occur, there would be no funds for new books and other materials, and programs such as story times would be reduced or discontinued.Ohio's citizens are using public libraries more now than ever before. Those people who are unemployed use our Internet computers to apply for unemployment, conduct job searches, and retrain for alternate careers. Other people effected by the economic downturn can no longer afford to purchase books and movies and are rediscovering the library. These are only a few of the reasons people are using the public library in ever increasing numbers. This is not the time to reduce library funding.Please take a few minutes to review the information at and contact your legislators to ask that they oppose the governor's proposal. The attached document contains contact information for Clinton County's legislators, but Senator John Carey is Chair of the Senate Finance Committee. It wouldn't hurt for everyone to contact him.Also, please forward this message to your mailing lists. We have only a few days to express to our legislators the importance of our libraries. Ohio law requires a state budget be passed by June 30.Thank you for your support!Nancy-- Nancy P. EhasDirectorWilmington Public Library268 N. South St.Wilmington, OH 45177(937) 382-2417 x11
Governor Ted Strickland
Senator John Carey 614-466-8156SD17@senate.state.oh.usRepresentative David Daniels614-466-3506district86@ohr.state.oh.usSample Email - Copy & Paste if needed!I am contacting you today to express my concern over the proposed cut to the Public Library Fund (PLF). Approximately 70% of our state’s libraries are funded solely through the PLF. Cutting this fund will result in closures, layoffs, and reduced hours in libraries throughout Ohio.These proposed funding cuts come at a time when Ohio’s public libraries are experiencing unprecedented increases in demands for services. Ohioans value their libraries to assist in educating their children, providing high speed Internet access, job searching and employment research, as well as information and entertainment. That cuts would be made to the PLF at this time effects those who need the library most during these rough economic times: the unemployed, who use library resources for job seeking, and children, whose education should always be our first priority. However, it is unlikely that many of Ohio’s public libraries can remain open with these proposed cuts.Please do as much as you can to help reject the Governor’s proposed cut on the PLF and Save Ohio’s libraries. Sincerely,
Friday, June 19, 2009
Welcome to my new segment! FABULOUS FRIDAY FINDS!! Every Friday I am going to share with you some of the most FABULOUS deals!! Note, some of these are time and/or limited quantity sensitive so if you see a HOT deal (like Waffle House), you better jump on it!! Happy Clipping!!
Old Navy $2 Tank Tops this Saturday!!
This Saturday, June 20, Old Navy will be having a Tank Top Sale! Go early, for best selection.
Thanks CouponPrincess!
MMM!! WAFFLE HOUSE!! My hubby loves their belgian waffle & I am a die hard ham & cheese omelet fan! $50 for $25!!!
Wilmington Auto Sales & Service Center 10% off ALL services
Going to The Beach Waterpark? Save $5!!
EnterTRAINment Junction Buy 2 Get 1 FREE!!
AARR MATEY! Dig this treasure! Scallywag Tag 5 certificates, each valid for a three-hour session of Laser Tag for only $37!!
Three great deals from Evans Landscaping!!
$10 OFF Any Purchase of Bulk Topsoil or Supersoil , $15 OFF Delivery or Buy 5 Bags Dark Supreme Mulch Get 1 Bag FREE!
Baker House Animal Hospital Free Physical Exam $40 value!
Old Navy $2 Tank Tops this Saturday!!
This Saturday, June 20, Old Navy will be having a Tank Top Sale! Go early, for best selection.
Thanks CouponPrincess!
MMM!! WAFFLE HOUSE!! My hubby loves their belgian waffle & I am a die hard ham & cheese omelet fan! $50 for $25!!!
Wilmington Auto Sales & Service Center 10% off ALL services
Going to The Beach Waterpark? Save $5!!
EnterTRAINment Junction Buy 2 Get 1 FREE!!
AARR MATEY! Dig this treasure! Scallywag Tag 5 certificates, each valid for a three-hour session of Laser Tag for only $37!!
Three great deals from Evans Landscaping!!
$10 OFF Any Purchase of Bulk Topsoil or Supersoil , $15 OFF Delivery or Buy 5 Bags Dark Supreme Mulch Get 1 Bag FREE!
Baker House Animal Hospital Free Physical Exam $40 value!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
How Going Green Will Save You Green!!

How going green will save you green
Recently, a news story struck a cord with me in a major way. ABC News anchor Charlie Gibson reported that in an effort to be green, major cities like Washington D.C. and New York City have invoked a plastic bag tax on grocery shoppers. Washington D. C.’s bag tax is $.05 per bag. Just imagine! My weekly trips to the store warrant at least 12-20 bags. If Wilmington passed such a tax, my annual shopping budget would need to be expanded to $1,040 just to cover the cost of transporting my purchases home! Most reusable bags cost $.99. I will gladly spend $20 to save $1,000.
Now consider the costs of the following “green” tips, and add up your annual savings!
Bottled Water: The average household purchases 167 bottles of water per year at $1.25 per bottle: totaling over $200 annually. Why not consider a water pitcher filtration system? The national leading brand costs about $25 and requires 6 replacement filters per year at $8 each. This totals only $73!!
Lighting: Switching from conventional incandescent bulbs to compact fluorescent light bulbs will save you about $270 in one year’s time.
Water Heater: 13% of your utility bill is from your water heater. Tankless water heaters save on average 20-45% each year. We have a timer on our water heater. Installing a timer on your water heater allows the water to only be heated about an hour before times of routine usage. The U.S. Department of Energy reports using this type of device can save you an additional 5-12%. This means the $60 cost of a timer is regained in the first year of use.
Heating and Cooling: Investing $30-$100 in a new programmable thermostat will easily be recouped within the first year as you enjoy a steady home temperature. You will also eliminate unnecessary heating or cooling while sleeping or away.
Gasoline: To improve your gas mileage try these tips: cut back on your speed, use cruise control, maintain a 2 RPM speed, fuel up in the evening, and turn the engine off during idling (such as at the drive thru, waiting on a train, etc).
Electric: Unplugging appliances when they are not in use is a fast growing trend among families trying to save on their utility bill.
Gardening: Consider growing your own fruits, vegetables and herbs, not only for consumption, but also for medicinal and homeopathic uses.
Consumer Products: Watch for my article titled “Home Make It” for great cost saving ideas of everyday products that can be simply made from home, such as dryer sheets, dishwasher cleaner, etc.
Green up!
This column is provided by Tara Roark. Tara conducts Coupon Boot Camps training consumers how to save hundreds on their groceries, shopping, dining and entertainment through couponing. To contact, please visit her on the web at and follow her blog,, or on Twitter, couponbootcamp, for exclusive HOT deals and tips.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Look what all I got @ Bigg's yesterday for only $16!!!
Went shopping @ Bigg's yesterday for our Pastor's wife.
Spent $16 & got:
3 boxes of Kellogg's cereal
2 boxes of General Mills cereal
3 California Pizza's
3 Aunt Millies Hot Dog Buns
3 Skippy Peanut Butter
3 Hellmans 22 oz jars
1 32 oz Miracle Whip
4 French's mustards
2 44 ct Chinet casual plates
1 tub of Pampers Swipers!!!
Want to be able to do this? Register for my upcoming Coupon Combat Special Forces Class Sat, June 27th 10 am - Noon at Books & More. If you haven't taken my Basic Training - I suggest you start there!
Spent $16 & got:
3 boxes of Kellogg's cereal
2 boxes of General Mills cereal
3 California Pizza's
3 Aunt Millies Hot Dog Buns
3 Skippy Peanut Butter
3 Hellmans 22 oz jars
1 32 oz Miracle Whip
4 French's mustards
2 44 ct Chinet casual plates
1 tub of Pampers Swipers!!!
Want to be able to do this? Register for my upcoming Coupon Combat Special Forces Class Sat, June 27th 10 am - Noon at Books & More. If you haven't taken my Basic Training - I suggest you start there!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Bigg's Triple/Double Sale - What I got & more!!!

Ok ya'll I just got $156 worth of groceries for $28 and ALSO earned $.36 off per gallon of gas (up to 20 gallons) and their gas right now is $2.79, which would make MY price $2.43!!! Ain't I special?
Here are a few things I got FREE:
Franks Hot Sauce
V8 Fusion
Temptations Cat Treats
Suave Womens Deodorant (large size!)
Reach Floss
Here are some unbelievable deals. Below is the price I paid for them & which coupon I used and where/how.
Hungry Jack Syrup $3.39 - $1 doubled = $1.39
Aunt Millies Light Wheat Loaf $1.69 - $.35 tripled = $.64
Kellogg's Special K FAMILY SIZE $3.39 - $1 doubled = $1.39
Success Boil In Bag Rice $2.29 - $1 doubled = $.29
Orville Redenbacher Natural 3 pk $1.67 - $.50 tripled = $.17
Orville Redenbacher 3 pk $1.67 - $.50 tripled = $.17
Pepperidge Farm Granola Cookies $2.99 - $1. doubled = $.99
Huggies Shea Butter Lotion $2.99 - $1 doubled = $.99
Huggies Wash$2.99 - $1 doubled = $.99
Skintamates Shave Gel $1.67 - $.75 doubled = $.17
Kellogg's Frosted Flakes $2.50 - $1 doubled = $.50
Kellogg's Frosted Mini Wheats $2.50 - $1 doubled = $.50
Total cereal $2 - $.75 doubled = $.50
Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce $2.39 - $1 doubled = $.39
Cover Girl Eye liner pencil (2 pk w/sharpener) $2.69 - $1 doubled = $.69
Skippy Peanut Butter 15 oz $2 - $.40 tripled = $.80
Starkist Tuna Gourmet cans $1.69 - $.50 tripled = $.19 (from Bigg's printable machine)
Flavorite Chocolate Syrup $1.79 - $.50 tripled = $.29 (from Bigg's printable machine)
Old Spice Deodorant $2.39 - $1 doubled = $.39
Dinty Moore Beef Stew 15 oz $1.89 - $.50 tripled = $.39 (from Bigg's printable machine)
Suave Lotion $2.50 - $1 doubled = $.50
Bayer Baby Aspirin $2.29 - $1 doubled = $.29
Dixie Ultra Plates 20 pack $2 - $.50 tripled = $.50
Here are a few things I got FREE:
Franks Hot Sauce
V8 Fusion
Temptations Cat Treats
Suave Womens Deodorant (large size!)
Reach Floss
Here are some unbelievable deals. Below is the price I paid for them & which coupon I used and where/how.
Hungry Jack Syrup $3.39 - $1 doubled = $1.39
Aunt Millies Light Wheat Loaf $1.69 - $.35 tripled = $.64
Kellogg's Special K FAMILY SIZE $3.39 - $1 doubled = $1.39
Success Boil In Bag Rice $2.29 - $1 doubled = $.29
Orville Redenbacher Natural 3 pk $1.67 - $.50 tripled = $.17
Orville Redenbacher 3 pk $1.67 - $.50 tripled = $.17
Pepperidge Farm Granola Cookies $2.99 - $1. doubled = $.99
Huggies Shea Butter Lotion $2.99 - $1 doubled = $.99
Huggies Wash$2.99 - $1 doubled = $.99
Skintamates Shave Gel $1.67 - $.75 doubled = $.17
Kellogg's Frosted Flakes $2.50 - $1 doubled = $.50
Kellogg's Frosted Mini Wheats $2.50 - $1 doubled = $.50
Total cereal $2 - $.75 doubled = $.50
Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce $2.39 - $1 doubled = $.39
Cover Girl Eye liner pencil (2 pk w/sharpener) $2.69 - $1 doubled = $.69
Skippy Peanut Butter 15 oz $2 - $.40 tripled = $.80
Starkist Tuna Gourmet cans $1.69 - $.50 tripled = $.19 (from Bigg's printable machine)
Flavorite Chocolate Syrup $1.79 - $.50 tripled = $.29 (from Bigg's printable machine)
Old Spice Deodorant $2.39 - $1 doubled = $.39
Dinty Moore Beef Stew 15 oz $1.89 - $.50 tripled = $.39 (from Bigg's printable machine)
Suave Lotion $2.50 - $1 doubled = $.50
Bayer Baby Aspirin $2.29 - $1 doubled = $.29
Dixie Ultra Plates 20 pack $2 - $.50 tripled = $.50
Here are more deals I jotted down to share with you:
Visine $3.79 - $1 doubled = $1.79
Aleve 10 ct $3.79 - $1 doubled = $1.79
Colgate Max Toothpaste $2.79 - $1 doubled = $.79
No Nonsense Pantyhose $2.39-$4.39 - $1 doubled = $.39-$2.39
Wet Ones individual packets $2.29 - $.75 doubled = $.79
Reynolds 100% Recycled $2.50 - $1 doubled = $.50
Chinet Dinner $2.50 - $1 doubled = $.50
Flips chocolate covered pretzels $2.09-$2.39 - $.75 doubled = $.59-$.89
Pupperoni Dog Snacks $3.79 - $1 doubled = $1.79
Grillmates $2.49 - $.50 tripled = $.99
McCormick Spices $2.09-$5.79 - $.75 doubled = $.59-$4.29
Mike Sells Potato Chips $2 - $.35 tripled = $.95
Lance 100 Calorie Packs $2.99 - $1 doubled = $.99
Pringles Stix $2.99 - $.50 tripled = $1.49
Country Crock Side Dishes $3.50 - $1 doubled = $1.50
WOW!!! Praise the Lord!! What a run!!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
FREE Arby's every Wednesday - all summer long!!

Thanks bargainbrianna for this HOT tip!!
All Summer Long Arby’s is offer a Wednesday Freebie!
Here’s a complete list!!
No coupon is needed but you may want to check with your local store before heading out to make sure they are participating.
JUNE10 - Free Roast Chicken Club with any soft drink purchase
17 - Free Regular Sidekickers® with any sandwich purchase
24 - Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase
JULY1 - Free Regular Beef ‘n Cheddar with any soft drink purchase
8 - Free Orange Cream Swirl Shake with any sandwich purchase
15 - Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase
22 - Free Roastburger with any soft drink purchase
29 - Free Iced FruiTea with any sandwich purchase
AUGUST 5 - Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase
12 - Free Roast Chicken Club with any soft drink purchase
19 - Free Iced FruiTea with any sandwich purchase
26 - Free Regular Beef ‘n Cheddar with any soft drink purchase
****Just called Wilmington Arby's - the didnt answer the phone..if anyone confirms their participation or non, please let me know!!
All Summer Long Arby’s is offer a Wednesday Freebie!
Here’s a complete list!!
No coupon is needed but you may want to check with your local store before heading out to make sure they are participating.
JUNE10 - Free Roast Chicken Club with any soft drink purchase
17 - Free Regular Sidekickers® with any sandwich purchase
24 - Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase
JULY1 - Free Regular Beef ‘n Cheddar with any soft drink purchase
8 - Free Orange Cream Swirl Shake with any sandwich purchase
15 - Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase
22 - Free Roastburger with any soft drink purchase
29 - Free Iced FruiTea with any sandwich purchase
AUGUST 5 - Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase
12 - Free Roast Chicken Club with any soft drink purchase
19 - Free Iced FruiTea with any sandwich purchase
26 - Free Regular Beef ‘n Cheddar with any soft drink purchase
****Just called Wilmington Arby's - the didnt answer the phone..if anyone confirms their participation or non, please let me know!!
OH MY GOSH!! $.50 Kellogg's Cereal with the BIGG's SALE!! I am checking out their ad and they have Frosted Mini Wheats 2/$5 and the $1 off coupon in 6/7 RP will double to $2, making them $.50 a box!!!!!!!!!
Kellogg's Pop Tarts 2/$5 - use $.55 6/7 RP doubled = $1.40 per box
All Laundry Detergent 50 oz (my brand!! yeah!!) 2/$9 - use $1 printable doubled = $2.50 each!!
Cottonelle 10/$10 - use $.50 11/30/08 RP or blinky or printable (if you have them) tripled = FREE or you can use the $1/2 which will allow you to BOGO
Edge Shave Gel 3/$5 - use $.75 5/17 SS doubled = $.17!!
McCain Frozen Potatoes 2/$5 - use $.55 5/3 SS doubled = $1.45!!
Tyson bagged chicken 2/$10 - use $1 (can't find source but I have them, they expire 8/09) doubled = $3 bag (AWESOME!!!)
Brawny 6-8 roll $6.49 - use $1 5/17 RP doubled = $4.49
Quilted Northern Mega or Double packs $6.49 - use $1 4/25 RP doubled = $4.49 (AWESOME!!)
Non-doubling but coupons to use:
Gillette Fusion Razors $12.99 - use $4 (not doubled) = $8.99
Buy any Dole Pineapple for $2.99 - Get 2 lbs of Dole Bananas FREE!!!
Check out their ad for other awesome deals!!
If you see a deal I missed - let me know ASAP!!
Here is more...from Little Miss Know It All.....
Kellogg's Pop Tarts 2/$5 - use $.55 6/7 RP doubled = $1.40 per box
All Laundry Detergent 50 oz (my brand!! yeah!!) 2/$9 - use $1 printable doubled = $2.50 each!!
Cottonelle 10/$10 - use $.50 11/30/08 RP or blinky or printable (if you have them) tripled = FREE or you can use the $1/2 which will allow you to BOGO
Edge Shave Gel 3/$5 - use $.75 5/17 SS doubled = $.17!!
McCain Frozen Potatoes 2/$5 - use $.55 5/3 SS doubled = $1.45!!
Tyson bagged chicken 2/$10 - use $1 (can't find source but I have them, they expire 8/09) doubled = $3 bag (AWESOME!!!)
Brawny 6-8 roll $6.49 - use $1 5/17 RP doubled = $4.49
Quilted Northern Mega or Double packs $6.49 - use $1 4/25 RP doubled = $4.49 (AWESOME!!)
Non-doubling but coupons to use:
Gillette Fusion Razors $12.99 - use $4 (not doubled) = $8.99
Buy any Dole Pineapple for $2.99 - Get 2 lbs of Dole Bananas FREE!!!
Check out their ad for other awesome deals!!
If you see a deal I missed - let me know ASAP!!
Here is more...from Little Miss Know It All.....
Bigg's Triple & Double Coupon Sale!!!
Just confirmed with BIGG'S in Mason!! They are Tripling ALL coupons up to $.50 & Doubling all coupons up to and including $1!!! Sale runs June 11-14!! This is for all participating stores in Cincy/KY/IN!!
Here are the details though:
1. They do accept & will double or triple internet printed coupons as long as they have the long IP address code on them.
2. If a coupon is $1/2 they will not double it to $2 unless the cost of 1 of the items is $2. For example, if you are buying 2 items that are $1.50 each and use the $1/2 coupon, your coupon will only be increased to $1.50 for both of them.
3. You can only use 3 of the same coupons per visit. So if you have a coupons that states $1 off shampoo or conditioner, you cannot get 3 shampoos and 3 conditioners. Word is this limit is per family (there goes my usual strategy of using my kids to shop/redeem) but the customer service rep I talked to said there was no way to officially monitor how many times per day you visit. (I'll be following the rules - abuse is never rewarded)
4. There is no limit as to how many total coupons per day you can use!!! So make the most of your trip(s)!!
RUN! RUN! RUN!! I will be reporting my deals on Thursday!!
Here are the details though:
1. They do accept & will double or triple internet printed coupons as long as they have the long IP address code on them.
2. If a coupon is $1/2 they will not double it to $2 unless the cost of 1 of the items is $2. For example, if you are buying 2 items that are $1.50 each and use the $1/2 coupon, your coupon will only be increased to $1.50 for both of them.
3. You can only use 3 of the same coupons per visit. So if you have a coupons that states $1 off shampoo or conditioner, you cannot get 3 shampoos and 3 conditioners. Word is this limit is per family (there goes my usual strategy of using my kids to shop/redeem) but the customer service rep I talked to said there was no way to officially monitor how many times per day you visit. (I'll be following the rules - abuse is never rewarded)
4. There is no limit as to how many total coupons per day you can use!!! So make the most of your trip(s)!!
RUN! RUN! RUN!! I will be reporting my deals on Thursday!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
FREE Wendy's Frosty-cino's June 10th 3-5pm!! (Cincinnati)

Sit back and relax for a bit this summer and enjoy a FREE, small Frosty-cino Shake on June 10th from 3-5pm.
That’s right, these tasty treats will be absolutely, completely FREE for 2 whole hours.
But be sure to mark your calendar or become a Frosty fan on Facebook for a Frosty break reminder. That way, the second the clock hits 3pm on June 10th you’ll be ready to roll on through for a cool Frosty-cino Shake with your name written all over it.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Total Score Shopping Day!!
Total Score today!!! Got $335 worth of products for only $113 at the KMart SUPER DOUBLE Sale!!!
Then got $66 worth of products at Kroger for only $24!!!
I still have openings for this Saturdays Coupon Boot Camp at Books N More 10 am - Noon!! Only $25 to register & be entered in a drawing for a $25 Kroger Gift Card!!
Then got $66 worth of products at Kroger for only $24!!!
I still have openings for this Saturdays Coupon Boot Camp at Books N More 10 am - Noon!! Only $25 to register & be entered in a drawing for a $25 Kroger Gift Card!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Three coupon inserts this week!
Here is the list!!
SmartSource (6/7)
Ban Clinical Defense $2 (6/8/09) Ban any .40 (8/8/09)Bic Shavers $2 (7/19/09)Bic Soleil Bella Shaver 3 pack $2 (7/19/09)Bic Soleil Disposable Shaver 4 pack $2 (7/19/09)Boca Meatless product $1/2 (8/2/09)Chex Mix or Chex 100 calorie Snack $1/2 (8/1/09)Claritin or Childrens Claritin 15 ct + $4 (7/5/09)Colgate Total Advanced Whitening, Colgate Total Advanced Clean, or Total Advanced Fresh 4.0 oz+ $1 (6/27/09)Colgate Total, Max Fresh, Max White, Sensitive or Kids Toothpaste 4.0 oz+ .75 (6/27/09)Colgate 360, Max Fresh, Max White or Kids Manual Toothbrush .75 (6/27/09)Ensure 6 pack Shakes $3 (8/31/09)Finish/Electrasol Powerball Tabs or Gelpacks .75 (7/5/09)Finish Electrasol Powder or Gel .25 (7/5/09)Finish Jet Dry Rinse Agent or Turbo Dry .40 (8/2/09)Finish Dishwasher Cleaner .40 (8/2/09)Finish Quantum .75 (7/5/09)Hamburger Helpter, Tuna Helper, or Chicken Helper Skillet Meals $1/3 (8/1/09)Healthy Ones Lunchmeat Deli Presliced or 1 lb deli meat .500 (7/31/09)Jello Gelatin or Pudding Snacks .60 (7/7/09)Joint Juice 4 pk or 6 pk $2 (7/30/09)Joint Juice 16.9 oz B1G1F (7/30/09)Lysol All Purpose Cleaner Pourable, Trigger, Plus Bleach or Antibacterial Kitchen Cleaner .75 (8/3/09)Lysol Disinfectant Spray $1 (8/3/09)Lysol Disinfecting Wipes $1 (8/3/09)Lysol Bathroom Cleaner or Mildew Remover .75 (8/3/09)Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner .75 (8/3/09)Mop & Glo $1 (8/30/09)Nature Made Sam-E Complete $3 (7/7/09)Nature Made Vitamins $1 (7/7/09)Nature Made Heart & Stress Defense Fish Oil $2 (7/7/09)Neutrogena Men item $1 (9/30/09)Opti-Free Solution 10 oz+ $1.25 (7/31/09)Opti-Free Solution two 10 oz or one twin pack $3 (7/31/09)Palmolive Dish LIquid .25 (6/27/09)Playtex Personal Cleansing Cloths $1 (8/9/09)Playtex Gentle Glide Tampons $1 (8/16/09)Playtex Sport tampons 18 ct+ $1 (8/16/09)Purina one Dog or Cat food, any size, any variety $3 (8/7/09)Purina Healthful Life, Cat Chow or Naturals Plus two 3 or 7 lb or one 14 lb bag $2 (8/30/09)Reynolds Wrap Foil from 100% recycled .55 (7/5/09)Romano's Macaroni Grill Dinner Kit $1 (8/1/09)Rubbermail Easy Find Lids, $1 (7/31/09)Sea Breeze Astringents $1/2 (7/31/09)Sea Breeze Astringent .55 (7/31/09)Shout Laundry Stain Remover .55 (8/1/09)Shout Color Catcher .55 (8/1/09)Softsoap Body Wash .75 (6/27/09)Splenda with Fiber $1 (8/30/09)Splenda products $2/2 (8/30/09)Tony's Multi-Serve Pizza $1 (9/15/09)Tony's Single Serve Pizza or Pouch Tiwn Pack .50 (9/15/09)Tyson Skillet Creations meal kit $1 (9/7/09)Vivid Easy On or Cling Free .50 (8/9/09)Yo-Plus Yogurt 4 pack $1 (8/1/09)Yoplait Go-Gurt Yogurt, Yoplait Trix Multipack $1/2 (8/1/09)Yoplait Yogurt B6G1F (8/1/09)
RedPlum (6/7/09)
9Lives Wet Cat Food, (1) 12can Variety Pack, (12) Individual Cans OR (3) 4packs $1 (8/15/09)9Lives Dry Cat Food, 3.15lb+ .75 (8/15/09)Ball Park Franks, any variety$1/2 (7/5/09)Bertolli Frozen Meals $1 (8/15/09)Bertolli Mediterranean Style $1 (8/29/09)Centrum Ultra 200ct product $3 (8/31/09)Centrum Ultra product $1 (8/31/09)Dove Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant or Body Mist $1 (8/30/09)Dove Beauty Bar, 6-bar pack+ $1 (8/30/09)Dove Body Wash, 10oz+ $1.25 (8/31/09)Dove Cream Oil Body Lotion or Hand Cream, excludes Energy Glow andtrial sizes $1.25 (8/30/09)Dove Energy Glow Beauty Body Lotion $1.75 (8/30/09)Dove Face Care product $1 (8/30/09)Dove Hair Care product $1 (8/30/09)Dove SkinVitalizer $3.75 (8/30/09)Dove Visibly Smooth Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant $1.25 (8/30/09)Dramamine product $1 (9/7/09)Folgers Gourmet Selections products $1/2 (8/31/09)Folgers product, 7oz+$1 (7/18/09)Healthy 10 Kefir Beverage, 32oz bottle $1 (7/31/09)Hefty OneZip Fresh Extend Bags $1 (10/31/09)Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage $1/2 (7/31/09)Hungry Jack Syrup $1 (8/31/09)Imodium product $1 (9/7/09)Isaly’s Barbecue Sauce, original or spicy flavor, 16oz jar .25 (9/30/09)Kellogg’s All-Bran, Special K or Raisin Bran Cereal, 11.4oz+ $1(7/19/09)Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, Cocoa Krispies, Corn Pops, orApple Jacks Cereal, 10oz+ $1 (7/19/09)Kellogg’s Mini-Wheats, Rice Krispies, or Crispix Cereal, 10oz+ $1(7/19/09)Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts, 8ct+ .55 (8/2/09)L’oreal Men’s Expert Skincare $1 (8/30/09)L’Oreal Preference, any shade $2 (8/30/09)Lactaid Fast Act product, 12ct+ $1.50 (9/7/09)M&M Brand Chocolate Candies, 9.9oz-42oz bags $1/2 (7/18/09)M&Ms Brand Ice Cream Multi-pack $1 (10/31/09)Milk-Bone Dog Snacks $2.50/2 (8/2/09)Mylanta $1.50 (9/7/09)Nature’s Bounty Vitamins and Supplements $1 (7/21/09)Nexcare or Nexcare Tattoo Bandages $1/2 (8/31/09)Noxzema SpaShave 4-Blade 3pk, Super Smooth Triple Blade 4pk, Soft-n-Sassy Twin Blade 10pk, or Bikini Grooming Wand $1 (8/31/09)Osteo Bi-Flex $6 (7/22/09)Pepcid $1 (9/7/09)Pup-Peroni Dog Snacks, 4.8oz+ $1 (8/2/09)Rolaids product, 12ct+ $1 (9/7/09)Sara Lee Bites $1 (9/6/09)Sara Lee Simple Sweets Pie $1 (9/6/09)Scotch-Brite Scrub Sponges, Scour Pads, Ultra NailSaver AbsorbentScrub Sponges, Dishwand or Refill $1/2 (7/31/09)Scotties Facial Tissues, (5) Boxes or (2) Multipacks $1 (9/30/09)SlimShots Liquid Appetite Controller $5 (9/30/09)Smooth Away or Smooth Away Vibe Hair Removal System $1 (9/30/09)Snickers Brand Ice Cream Multi-pack $1 (10/31/09)Temptations All Natural Treats for Cats .50 (8/29/09)Temptations Treats for Cats .50 (8/29/09)Tylenol Extra Strength $1 (9/7/09)Tylenol PM $1 (9/7/09)Whole Fruit Fruit Bar $1 (8/31/09)Zatarain’s Rice Mixes or Pasta Mixes $1.25/3 (8/30/09)
P&G (6/7)Align $5 (7/31/09)Always Infinity 28 ct+ $4 (7/31/09)Always Infinity 14 ct+ $1 (7/31/09)Always Pads, Liners or Cleansing Cloths $1/2 (7/31/09)Bounty .25 (7/31/09)Charmin .50 (7/31/09)Clairol Natural Instincts Hair Color $1 (7/31/09)Clear & Natural or FIbersure $3 (7/31/09)Covergirl $1 (7/31/09)Covergirl $2/2 (7/31/09)Crest Glide Floss or Oral-B Advantage Floss Picks 30 ct+ .75 (7/31/09)Crest 4.2 oz paste or liquid gel .50 (7/31/09)Crest Rinse 440 ml+ $1 (7/31/09)Crest Whitestrips Classic $3 (7/31/09)Crest Whitestrips Premium ProEffects, Advanced Seal Daily Whitening $5 (7/31/09)Dawn Pure Essentials $1.50 (7/31/09)Dawn any size .25 (7/31/09)Dawn Direct Foam or Dawn Simple Pleasures .50 (7/31/09)Duracell Hearing Aid Batteries with Easytab $2 (7/31/09)Fusion Pre or Post SHave product $1 (7/31/09)Gillette Shampoo, Conditioner or Styler $1 (7/31/09)Gillette Fusion Manual or Power Razor $4 (7/31/09)Gillette Body Wash $1 (7/31/09)Gillette Clinical Strength Deodorant or any 2 Gillette Deodorants $2 (7/31/09)Head & SHoulders $2/2 (7/31/09)Infusion $1 (7/31/09)Metamucil Clear & Natural or Fibersure $2 (7/31/09)Olay Body Wash $1 (7/31/09)Olay Facial Moisturizer or Cleanser $1 (7/31/09)Old Spice Aanti-Persporant/Deodorant $1 (7/31/09)Old Spice Body Wash .50 (7/31/09)Oral B Stages Battery Powered Toothbrush or any (2) Oral B Stages Manual brushes or Toothpastes $1 (7/31/09)Pampers Diapers or Pants $1 (7/31/09)Pampers Splashers .50 (7/31/09)Pantene hair care products $1/2 (7/31/09)Prilosec OTC $3 (7/31/09)Prilosec 42 count packs $7/2 (7/31/09)Pur or Pur Flavor Options System pitcher or faucet $5 (7/31/09)Pur 3 pack Pitcher or Faucet Mount Replacement Filter or one PUR refrigerator filter $5 (7/31/09)Secret Clinical Strength $1 (7/31/09)Secret Anti-Perspirant or Deodorant $1/2 (7/31/09)Tampax 18 ct or larger .50 (7/31/09)Tide Save .35 (7/31/09)Tide to Go .35 (7/31/09)Venus Razor $1 (7/31/09)
SmartSource (6/7)
Ban Clinical Defense $2 (6/8/09) Ban any .40 (8/8/09)Bic Shavers $2 (7/19/09)Bic Soleil Bella Shaver 3 pack $2 (7/19/09)Bic Soleil Disposable Shaver 4 pack $2 (7/19/09)Boca Meatless product $1/2 (8/2/09)Chex Mix or Chex 100 calorie Snack $1/2 (8/1/09)Claritin or Childrens Claritin 15 ct + $4 (7/5/09)Colgate Total Advanced Whitening, Colgate Total Advanced Clean, or Total Advanced Fresh 4.0 oz+ $1 (6/27/09)Colgate Total, Max Fresh, Max White, Sensitive or Kids Toothpaste 4.0 oz+ .75 (6/27/09)Colgate 360, Max Fresh, Max White or Kids Manual Toothbrush .75 (6/27/09)Ensure 6 pack Shakes $3 (8/31/09)Finish/Electrasol Powerball Tabs or Gelpacks .75 (7/5/09)Finish Electrasol Powder or Gel .25 (7/5/09)Finish Jet Dry Rinse Agent or Turbo Dry .40 (8/2/09)Finish Dishwasher Cleaner .40 (8/2/09)Finish Quantum .75 (7/5/09)Hamburger Helpter, Tuna Helper, or Chicken Helper Skillet Meals $1/3 (8/1/09)Healthy Ones Lunchmeat Deli Presliced or 1 lb deli meat .500 (7/31/09)Jello Gelatin or Pudding Snacks .60 (7/7/09)Joint Juice 4 pk or 6 pk $2 (7/30/09)Joint Juice 16.9 oz B1G1F (7/30/09)Lysol All Purpose Cleaner Pourable, Trigger, Plus Bleach or Antibacterial Kitchen Cleaner .75 (8/3/09)Lysol Disinfectant Spray $1 (8/3/09)Lysol Disinfecting Wipes $1 (8/3/09)Lysol Bathroom Cleaner or Mildew Remover .75 (8/3/09)Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner .75 (8/3/09)Mop & Glo $1 (8/30/09)Nature Made Sam-E Complete $3 (7/7/09)Nature Made Vitamins $1 (7/7/09)Nature Made Heart & Stress Defense Fish Oil $2 (7/7/09)Neutrogena Men item $1 (9/30/09)Opti-Free Solution 10 oz+ $1.25 (7/31/09)Opti-Free Solution two 10 oz or one twin pack $3 (7/31/09)Palmolive Dish LIquid .25 (6/27/09)Playtex Personal Cleansing Cloths $1 (8/9/09)Playtex Gentle Glide Tampons $1 (8/16/09)Playtex Sport tampons 18 ct+ $1 (8/16/09)Purina one Dog or Cat food, any size, any variety $3 (8/7/09)Purina Healthful Life, Cat Chow or Naturals Plus two 3 or 7 lb or one 14 lb bag $2 (8/30/09)Reynolds Wrap Foil from 100% recycled .55 (7/5/09)Romano's Macaroni Grill Dinner Kit $1 (8/1/09)Rubbermail Easy Find Lids, $1 (7/31/09)Sea Breeze Astringents $1/2 (7/31/09)Sea Breeze Astringent .55 (7/31/09)Shout Laundry Stain Remover .55 (8/1/09)Shout Color Catcher .55 (8/1/09)Softsoap Body Wash .75 (6/27/09)Splenda with Fiber $1 (8/30/09)Splenda products $2/2 (8/30/09)Tony's Multi-Serve Pizza $1 (9/15/09)Tony's Single Serve Pizza or Pouch Tiwn Pack .50 (9/15/09)Tyson Skillet Creations meal kit $1 (9/7/09)Vivid Easy On or Cling Free .50 (8/9/09)Yo-Plus Yogurt 4 pack $1 (8/1/09)Yoplait Go-Gurt Yogurt, Yoplait Trix Multipack $1/2 (8/1/09)Yoplait Yogurt B6G1F (8/1/09)
RedPlum (6/7/09)
9Lives Wet Cat Food, (1) 12can Variety Pack, (12) Individual Cans OR (3) 4packs $1 (8/15/09)9Lives Dry Cat Food, 3.15lb+ .75 (8/15/09)Ball Park Franks, any variety$1/2 (7/5/09)Bertolli Frozen Meals $1 (8/15/09)Bertolli Mediterranean Style $1 (8/29/09)Centrum Ultra 200ct product $3 (8/31/09)Centrum Ultra product $1 (8/31/09)Dove Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant or Body Mist $1 (8/30/09)Dove Beauty Bar, 6-bar pack+ $1 (8/30/09)Dove Body Wash, 10oz+ $1.25 (8/31/09)Dove Cream Oil Body Lotion or Hand Cream, excludes Energy Glow andtrial sizes $1.25 (8/30/09)Dove Energy Glow Beauty Body Lotion $1.75 (8/30/09)Dove Face Care product $1 (8/30/09)Dove Hair Care product $1 (8/30/09)Dove SkinVitalizer $3.75 (8/30/09)Dove Visibly Smooth Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant $1.25 (8/30/09)Dramamine product $1 (9/7/09)Folgers Gourmet Selections products $1/2 (8/31/09)Folgers product, 7oz+$1 (7/18/09)Healthy 10 Kefir Beverage, 32oz bottle $1 (7/31/09)Hefty OneZip Fresh Extend Bags $1 (10/31/09)Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage $1/2 (7/31/09)Hungry Jack Syrup $1 (8/31/09)Imodium product $1 (9/7/09)Isaly’s Barbecue Sauce, original or spicy flavor, 16oz jar .25 (9/30/09)Kellogg’s All-Bran, Special K or Raisin Bran Cereal, 11.4oz+ $1(7/19/09)Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, Cocoa Krispies, Corn Pops, orApple Jacks Cereal, 10oz+ $1 (7/19/09)Kellogg’s Mini-Wheats, Rice Krispies, or Crispix Cereal, 10oz+ $1(7/19/09)Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts, 8ct+ .55 (8/2/09)L’oreal Men’s Expert Skincare $1 (8/30/09)L’Oreal Preference, any shade $2 (8/30/09)Lactaid Fast Act product, 12ct+ $1.50 (9/7/09)M&M Brand Chocolate Candies, 9.9oz-42oz bags $1/2 (7/18/09)M&Ms Brand Ice Cream Multi-pack $1 (10/31/09)Milk-Bone Dog Snacks $2.50/2 (8/2/09)Mylanta $1.50 (9/7/09)Nature’s Bounty Vitamins and Supplements $1 (7/21/09)Nexcare or Nexcare Tattoo Bandages $1/2 (8/31/09)Noxzema SpaShave 4-Blade 3pk, Super Smooth Triple Blade 4pk, Soft-n-Sassy Twin Blade 10pk, or Bikini Grooming Wand $1 (8/31/09)Osteo Bi-Flex $6 (7/22/09)Pepcid $1 (9/7/09)Pup-Peroni Dog Snacks, 4.8oz+ $1 (8/2/09)Rolaids product, 12ct+ $1 (9/7/09)Sara Lee Bites $1 (9/6/09)Sara Lee Simple Sweets Pie $1 (9/6/09)Scotch-Brite Scrub Sponges, Scour Pads, Ultra NailSaver AbsorbentScrub Sponges, Dishwand or Refill $1/2 (7/31/09)Scotties Facial Tissues, (5) Boxes or (2) Multipacks $1 (9/30/09)SlimShots Liquid Appetite Controller $5 (9/30/09)Smooth Away or Smooth Away Vibe Hair Removal System $1 (9/30/09)Snickers Brand Ice Cream Multi-pack $1 (10/31/09)Temptations All Natural Treats for Cats .50 (8/29/09)Temptations Treats for Cats .50 (8/29/09)Tylenol Extra Strength $1 (9/7/09)Tylenol PM $1 (9/7/09)Whole Fruit Fruit Bar $1 (8/31/09)Zatarain’s Rice Mixes or Pasta Mixes $1.25/3 (8/30/09)
P&G (6/7)Align $5 (7/31/09)Always Infinity 28 ct+ $4 (7/31/09)Always Infinity 14 ct+ $1 (7/31/09)Always Pads, Liners or Cleansing Cloths $1/2 (7/31/09)Bounty .25 (7/31/09)Charmin .50 (7/31/09)Clairol Natural Instincts Hair Color $1 (7/31/09)Clear & Natural or FIbersure $3 (7/31/09)Covergirl $1 (7/31/09)Covergirl $2/2 (7/31/09)Crest Glide Floss or Oral-B Advantage Floss Picks 30 ct+ .75 (7/31/09)Crest 4.2 oz paste or liquid gel .50 (7/31/09)Crest Rinse 440 ml+ $1 (7/31/09)Crest Whitestrips Classic $3 (7/31/09)Crest Whitestrips Premium ProEffects, Advanced Seal Daily Whitening $5 (7/31/09)Dawn Pure Essentials $1.50 (7/31/09)Dawn any size .25 (7/31/09)Dawn Direct Foam or Dawn Simple Pleasures .50 (7/31/09)Duracell Hearing Aid Batteries with Easytab $2 (7/31/09)Fusion Pre or Post SHave product $1 (7/31/09)Gillette Shampoo, Conditioner or Styler $1 (7/31/09)Gillette Fusion Manual or Power Razor $4 (7/31/09)Gillette Body Wash $1 (7/31/09)Gillette Clinical Strength Deodorant or any 2 Gillette Deodorants $2 (7/31/09)Head & SHoulders $2/2 (7/31/09)Infusion $1 (7/31/09)Metamucil Clear & Natural or Fibersure $2 (7/31/09)Olay Body Wash $1 (7/31/09)Olay Facial Moisturizer or Cleanser $1 (7/31/09)Old Spice Aanti-Persporant/Deodorant $1 (7/31/09)Old Spice Body Wash .50 (7/31/09)Oral B Stages Battery Powered Toothbrush or any (2) Oral B Stages Manual brushes or Toothpastes $1 (7/31/09)Pampers Diapers or Pants $1 (7/31/09)Pampers Splashers .50 (7/31/09)Pantene hair care products $1/2 (7/31/09)Prilosec OTC $3 (7/31/09)Prilosec 42 count packs $7/2 (7/31/09)Pur or Pur Flavor Options System pitcher or faucet $5 (7/31/09)Pur 3 pack Pitcher or Faucet Mount Replacement Filter or one PUR refrigerator filter $5 (7/31/09)Secret Clinical Strength $1 (7/31/09)Secret Anti-Perspirant or Deodorant $1/2 (7/31/09)Tampax 18 ct or larger .50 (7/31/09)Tide Save .35 (7/31/09)Tide to Go .35 (7/31/09)Venus Razor $1 (7/31/09)
Save $25 per night at Great Wolf Lodges courtesy of Pampers Splashers!!
Save $25 per night at Great Wolf Lodges courtesy of Pampers Splashers!!
Bring on the SUN!! $3 off Coppertone products

The sun is shining and you need to be protected! So print and save $3 on any Coppertone family product! Click here for coupon!!
Thanks CouponPrincess for this alert!
Thanks CouponPrincess for this alert!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Is Dad A Fisherman or Sportsman? Great FREE Father's Day Gift Idea! or Summer Boredom Buster!

Published by A Cheap Chick under Free Stuff on 5/29/2009
Bass Pro Shops are holding free family summer camp May 30 - July 5. There are LOTS of free things to do, this is really impressive!
Bass Pro Shops are holding free family summer camp May 30 - July 5. There are LOTS of free things to do, this is really impressive!
Saturdays and Sundays From noon until 6:00 p.m. There will be a different craft activity each weekend. Here's what they have planned:
- May 30 - 31 Decorate your own fishing bobber
- June 6 - 7 Make your own leather keychain
- June 13 - 14 Paint a souvenir wooden lure for Dad
- June 20 - 21 Pain your own plaster animal tracks
- June 27 - 28 Make a patterned keychain
- July 4 - 5 Design your own birdhouse
Click here for more details.
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at scheduled times. There are a lot of different workshops each day at different times. Here's a sample of what's going on:
- Bird watching
- Shooting basics
- Fishing basics
- Hiking basics
- Archery
- Camping basics
- Animal identification
- Make campfire S'mores
Click here for a full schedule and more details.
There are tons other activities during Family Summer Camp but they vary by location so click here for the activities page for more details.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Vacation was great but hard to catch up!
Had a GREAT time with the family in Hershey, Philly & Gettysburg, PA but am having such a hard time catching up with work since returning!
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